Few more days left,and a lot of more goodbyes to say.But dont worry ill be coming back.This week should be one heck of a dam week, cause A lot will be happening.On the twenty-fifth of march my antie will be coming here from Hawaii, then on the twentseven my mom is arriving&&that day is also our monthsary((: well mines and Hoshi.aha. I was looking up to go to Manila to get our mom,but NO cause on that day we have our finals. FINALLY! ugh ,cant wait till summma' its gonna be a blast.
um,i still have a lot left.Teachers i need them authgraphs quickly jkjk!Most of the teachers will be signing them after the finals.Suck ,i know.Who cares anways. Better luck for me,i hope ill make it to third year high school, JUNIOR YEAR here i come.Wish me the best luck on the finals.