So yeah ,for the second time we have celbrating christmas over here was great. i expect lesser anyways.I actually think christmas over in california is so muchhh better,no offense to our fambam here.But ,gues what its alright cause we celebrate christmas once a year.ayt.
Anywhoo,we called our relitives from my moms side. ring ring ring RING. no answer. then again Rimg ring ring ,Hello? there was a guy talking so im like who might this be,tito nap maybes.all he said was , "hello hello sino to. di kita marinig mahina ang signal,sino ba to?" Shit,hang up the phone bezay,haha. he had bad connection there so i just hung up without saying good bye,.
RING RING RING, incoming call. Nelly Worell, oohh shet. there callin. Hello, tita nelly its candice .Merry xmas. blahbalh, so started a conversation .Then she passed her cellphone around so we can atleast talk and greet everyone there. i realyy miss you guys thou.In the bright side,well be seeing them once we get there next summer.
To madre&padre.
Well well.For the first time we dont spend chrismas as a family .Really sad, it would of been better if you guys were here with us.All i just want to say is ,sorry if iv been naughty at times.Ill do better,i promise. So just take care over there and we always love you.Merry chrismas:]
your duaghter
Once again ,Merry christmas. And happy birthday to our one and only ,Jesus Christ our Saviour.Love yous.